Thursday, May 27

Mondesi the liar...

When all the issues began with Mondesi and Mario Guerrero I made a strong case in favor of Raul the liar, even knowing of his whereabouts in the winter and knowing that he quit his team in the semi-finals, knowing that he stay late and and never showed in time for a game. Despite that he was the reason the Dominican Republic lost a game in a Caribbean Series when he intend to throw out the runner at first from the RF.

Well, I thought he changed, that he was concerned about his family, now a report saids that he will sign with a team this week.

He does not deserve to be in any MLB team, if he signs with a team he deserve to be hit in the head...

I know nothing that I write here will prevent the signing of Mondesi, but at least I will not stop writing against him, I hope Mario Guerrero wins, if he lie about quitting the Pirates he might had lied about Guerrero too.

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